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Interface twitter4j.TwitterStream

Removed Methods
void filter(FilterQuery) Start consuming public statuses that match one or more filter predicates.

Added Methods
TwitterStream filter(String[]) Start consuming public statuses that match the filter predicate.
TwitterStream filter(FilterQuery) Start consuming public statuses that match one or more filter predicates.
TwitterStream onException(Consumer<Exception>) @param action action when receiving TwitterException
TwitterStream onStatus(Consumer<Status>) @param action action when receiving Status
TwitterStream sample(String) Starts listening on random sample of all public statuses.

Changed Methods
TwitterStream addConnectionLifeCycleListener(ConnectionLifeCycleListener) Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
Adds a ConnectionLifeCycleListener
TwitterStream addListener(StreamListener) Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
@param listener listener to add
TwitterStream cleanUp() Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
shutdown internal stream consuming thread
TwitterStream clearListeners() Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
clear status listeners
TwitterStream firehose(int) Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
Starts listening on all public statuses.
TwitterStream links(int) Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
Starts listening on all public statuses containing links.
TwitterStream removeListener(StreamListener) Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
@param listener listener to remove
TwitterStream replaceListener(StreamListener, StreamListener) Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
replace existing listener
TwitterStream retweet() Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
Starts listening on all retweets.
TwitterStream shutdown() Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
Shuts down internal dispatcher thread shared by all TwitterStream instances.
StreamController site(boolean, long[]) Now deprecated.
Since Twitter4J 4.0.7
TwitterStream sample() Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
Starts listening on random sample of all public statuses.
TwitterStream user() Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
Now deprecated.
Since Twitter4J 4.0.7
TwitterStream user(String[]) Change in return type from void to TwitterStream.
Now deprecated.
Since Twitter4J 4.0.7