Package twitter4j

Interface Summary
DirectMessage A data interface representing sent/received direct message.
IDs A data interface representing array of numeric IDs.
PagableResponseList<T extends TwitterResponse> ResponseList with cursor support.
QueryResult A data interface representing search API response
RateLimitStatus A data interface representing Twitter REST API's rate limit status
Relationship A data interface that has detailed information about a relationship between two users
ResponseList<T> List of TwitterResponse.
SavedSearch A data interface representing a Saved Search
Status A data interface representing one single status of a user.
StatusDeletionNotice A data class representing Status deletionNotice
Clients are urged to honor deletionNotice requests and discard deleted statuses immediately.
Trend A data interface representing Trend.
Trends A data class representing Trends.
Tweet A data class representing a Tweet in the search response
TwitterListener A listner for receiving asynchronous responses from Twitter Async APIs.
TwitterResponse Super interface of Twitter Response data interfaces which indicates that rate limit status is avaialble.
User A data interface representing Basic user information element
UserList A data interface representing Basic list information element

Class Summary
Annotation A data class representing an Annotation of a Status or a Tweet
Annotations A data class representing the Annotations of a Status or a Tweet
AsyncTwitter Twitter API with a series of asynchronous APIs.
With this class, you can call TwitterAPI asynchronously.
Note that currently this class is NOT compatible with Google App Engine as it is maintaining threads internally.
Currently this class is not carefully designed to be extended.
AsyncTwitterFactory A factory class for AsyncTwitter.
An instance of this class is completely thread safe and can be re-used and used concurrently.
Note that currently AsyncTwitter is NOT compatible with Google App Engine as it is maintaining threads internally.
DirectMessageJSONImpl A data class representing sent/received direct message.
GeoLocation A data class representing geo location.
IDsJSONImpl A data class representing array of numeric IDs.
Paging Controls pagination.
It is possible to use the same Paging instance in a multi-threaded context only if the instance is treated immutably.
But basically instance of this class is NOT thread safe.
ParseUtil A tiny parse utility class.
Query A data class represents search query.
An instance of this class is NOT thread safe.
Instances can be shared across threads, but should not be mutated while a search is ongoing.
QueryResultJSONImpl A data class representing search API response
RateLimitStatusEvent A data interface representing Twitter REST API's rate limit status
RateLimitStatusJSONImpl A data class representing Twitter REST API's rate limit status
RelationshipJSONImpl A data class that has detailed information about a relationship between two users
SavedSearchJSONImpl A data class representing a Saved Search
StatusDeletionNoticeImpl StatusDeletionNotice implementation.
StatusJSONImpl A data class representing one single status of a user.
StatusStreamImpl StatusStream implementation.
TimeSpanUtil Deprecated. use twitter4j.util.TimeSpanUtil instead.
TrendJSONImpl A data class representing Trend.
TrendsJSONImpl A data class representing Trends.
TweetJSONImpl A data class representing a Tweet in the search response
Twitter A java representation of the Twitter API
This class is thread safe and can be cached/re-used and used concurrently.
Currently this class is not carefully designed to be extended.
TwitterAdapter A handy adapter of TwitterListener.
TwitterBase Base class of Twitter / AsyncTwitter / TwitterStream supports Basic Authorization.
TwitterFactory A factory class for Twitter.
TwitterResponseImpl Super interface of Twitter Response data interfaces which indicates that rate limit status is avaialble.
TwitterStream A java representation of the Twitter Streaming API
Note that this class is NOT compatible with Google App Engine as GAE is not capable of handling requests longer than 30 seconds.
TwitterStreamFactory A factory class for TwitterFactory.
An instance of this class is completely thread safe and can be re-used and used concurrently.
Note that TwitterStream is NOT compatible with Google App Engine as GAE is not capable of handling requests longer than 30 seconds.
UserJSONImpl A data class representing Basic user information element
UserListJSONImpl A data class representing Basic list information element

Exception Summary
TwitterException An exception class that will be thrown when TwitterAPI calls are failed.
In case the Twitter server returned HTTP error code, you can get the HTTP status code using getStatusCode() method.