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Class twitter4j.TwitterStream

The superclass changed from twitter4j.TwitterBase to twitter4j.TwitterOAuthSupportBaseImpl.

Change from non-final to final.

Added Methods
void addConnectionLifeCycleListener(ConnectionLifeCycleListener) Adds a ConnectionLifeCycleListener
void addStatusListener(StatusListener) @param statusListener listener to be added
void addUserStreamListener(UserStreamListener) @param userStreamListener listener to be added
void cleanUp() shutdown internal stream consuming thread
void filter(FilterQuery) Start consuming public statuses that match one or more filter predicates.
StatusStream getFilterStream(FilterQuery) Returns public statuses that match one or more filter predicates.
StatusStream getLinksStream(int) Returns a status stream of all public statuses containing links.
UserStream getUserStream() User Streams provides real-time updates of all data needed to update a desktop application display.
void links(int) Starts listening on all public statuses containing links.
void setUserStreamListener(UserStreamListener) Clear existing listeners and sets a UserStreamListener
void stream(String, int, boolean) Starts listening on a tweet stream.
void user() User Streams provides real-time updates of all data needed to update a desktop application display.

Changed Methods
void cleanup() Now deprecated.
use #cleanUp instead
void firehose(int) Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Starts listening on all public statuses.
void retweet() Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Starts listening on all retweets.
void sample() Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Starts listening on random sample of all public statuses.
void setStatusListener(StatusListener) Now deprecated.
use #addStatusListener instead.
void filter(int, int[], String[]) Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Now deprecated.
use {@link #filter(FilterQuery)} instead
StatusStream getFilterStream(int, int[], String[]) Now deprecated.
use {@link #getFilterStream(FilterQuery)} instead