Generated by

Class twitter4j.AsyncTwitter

The superclass changed from twitter4j.Twitter to twitter4j.TwitterOAuthSupportBase.
Added interfaces, twitter4j.api.AccountMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.BlockMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.DirectMessageMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.FavoriteMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.FriendshipMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.HelpMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.ListMembersMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.ListMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.ListSubscribersMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.LocalTrendsMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.NotificationMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.SavedSearchesMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.SearchMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.SocialGraphMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.SpamReportingMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.StatusMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.TimelineMethodsAsync, twitter4j.api.UserMethodsAsync.

Removed Constructors
AsyncTwitter(String, String)  
AsyncTwitter(String, String, String)  

Added Constructors
AsyncTwitter(String, String, TwitterListener) Creates a basic authenticated AsyncTwitter instance.

Removed Methods
void blockAsync(String) Blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createAsync(String) Befriends the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createAsync(String, TwitterListener) Befriends the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createBlockAsync(String) Blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createBlockAsync(String, TwitterListener) Blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createFavoriteAsync(int, TwitterListener) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createFavoriteAsync(long, TwitterListener) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createFavoriteAsync(int) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createFavoriteAsync(long) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createFriendshipAsync(String) Befriends the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createFriendshipAsync(String, boolean, TwitterListener) Befriends the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void createFriendshipAsync(String, TwitterListener) Befriends the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void deleteDirectMessageAsync(int, TwitterListener) Delete specified direct message
This method calls
void destoryStatusAsync(int) Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter.
void destoryStatusAsync(int, TwitterListener) Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter.
void destroyAsync(String) Discontinues friendship with the specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyAsync(String, TwitterListener) Discontinues friendship with the specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyBlockAsync(String) Un-blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyBlockAsync(String, TwitterListener) Un-blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyDirectMessageAsync(int) Delete specified direct message
This method calls
void destroyDirectMessageAsync(int, TwitterListener) Delete specified direct message
This method calls
void destroyFavoriteAsync(int, TwitterListener) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyFavoriteAsync(long, TwitterListener) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyFavoriteAsync(int) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyFavoriteAsync(long) Favorites the status specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyFriendshipAsync(String) Discontinues friendship with the specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyFriendshipAsync(String, TwitterListener) Discontinues friendship with the specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void destroyStatusAsync(int) Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter.
void destroyStatusAsync(long) Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter.
void destroyStatusAsync(int, TwitterListener) Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter.
void destroyStatusAsync(long, TwitterListener) Destroys the status specified by the required ID parameter.
void disableNotificationAsync(String) Disables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
void disableNotificationAsync(String, TwitterListener) Disables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
void enableNotificationAsync(String) Enables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
void enableNotificationAsync(String, TwitterListener) Enables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
void existsAsync(String, String, TwitterListener) Tests if a friendship exists between two users.
void existsBlockAsync(String, TwitterListener) Tests if a friendship exists between two users.
void existsFriendshipAsync(String, String, TwitterListener) Tests if a friendship exists between two users.
void favoritesAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
void favoritesAsync(String, int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
void favoritesAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
void favoritesAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
void followAsync(String) Enables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
void followAsync(String, TwitterListener) Enables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
void getAuthenticatedUserAsync(TwitterListener) Retrieves extended information of the authenticated user.
void getBlockingUsersAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns a list of user objects that the authenticating user is blocking.
void getBlockingUsersAsync(TwitterListener) Returns a list of user objects that the authenticating user is blocking.
void getBlockingUsersIDsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric user ids the authenticating user is blocking.
void getCurrentTrendsAsync(boolean, TwitterListener) Returns the current top 10 trending topics on Twitter.
void getCurrentTrendsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the current top 10 trending topics on Twitter.
void getDailyTrendsAsync(Date, boolean, TwitterListener) Returns the top 20 trending topics for each hour in a given day.
void getDailyTrendsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the top 20 trending topics for each hour in a given day.
void getDirectMessagesAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent to the authenticating user.
void getDirectMessagesAsync(TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent to the authenticating user.
void getDirectMessagesAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent to the authenticating user.
void getDirectMessagesAsync(Date, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent to the authenticating user.
void getDirectMessagesByPageAsync(int, int, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent to the authenticating user.
void getDirectMessagesByPageAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent to the authenticating user.
void getDowntimeScheduleAsync() Returns the same text displayed on when a maintenance window is scheduled, in the requested format.
void getFavoritesAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
void getFavoritesAsync(String, int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
void getFavoritesAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
void getFavoritesAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticating user or user specified by the ID parameter in the requested format.
void getFeaturedAsync(TwitterListener) Returns a list of the users currently featured on the site with their current statuses inline.
void getFollowersAsync(String, int, TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersAsync(String, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(long, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(int, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(int, long, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(String, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersIDsAsync(String, long, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is followed by.
void getFollowersStatusesAsync(String, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersStatusesAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersStatusesAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFollowersStatusesAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the authenticating user's followers, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns the specified user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsAsync(String, int, TwitterListener) Returns the user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsAsync(String, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns the user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the specified user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the specified user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the authenticating user is following.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(int, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the authenticating user is following.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(int, long, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(long, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the authenticating user is following.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(String, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following.
void getFriendsIDsAsync(String, long, TwitterListener) Returns an array of numeric IDs for every user the specified user is following.
void getFriendsStatusesAsync(String, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsStatusesAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns the user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsStatusesAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the specified user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsStatusesAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the specified user's friends, each with current status inline.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user and that user's friends.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user and that user's friends.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(String, int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(String, Date, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(String, long, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(String, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(Date, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(long, int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(long, String, int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getFriendsTimelineAsync(long, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getFriendsTimelineByPageAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getFriendsTimelineByPageAsync(String, int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getHomeTimelineAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses, including retweets, posted by the authenticating user and that user's friends.
void getHomeTimelineAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent statuses, including retweets, posted by the authenticating user and that user's friends.
void getMentionsAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent replies (status updates prefixed with @username) to the authenticating user.
void getMentionsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent replies (status updates prefixed with @username) to the authenticating user.
void getPublicTimelineAsync(TwitterListener)
This method calls Returns the 20 most recent statuses from non-protected users who have set a custom user icon.
void getPublicTimelineAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns only public statuses with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
void getPublicTimelineAsync(long, TwitterListener) Returns only public statuses with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
void getRepliesAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent replies (status updates prefixed with @username) to the authenticating user.
void getRepliesAsync(long, int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent replies (status updates prefixed with @username) to the authenticating user.
void getRepliesAsync(long, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent replies (status updates prefixed with @username) to the authenticating user.
void getRepliesAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent replies (status updates prefixed with @username) to the authenticating user.
void getRepliesByPageAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent replies (status updates prefixed with @username) to the authenticating user.
void getRetweetedByMeAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the authenticating user.
void getRetweetedByMeAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the authenticating user.
void getRetweetedToMeAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the authenticating user's friends.
void getRetweetedToMeAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent retweets posted by the authenticating user's friends.
void getRetweetsOfMeAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent tweets of the authenticated user that have been retweeted by others.
void getRetweetsOfMeAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the 20 most recent tweets of the authenticated user that have been retweeted by others.
void getSentDirectMessagesAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent by the authenticating user.
void getSentDirectMessagesAsync(TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent by the authenticating user.
void getSentDirectMessagesAsync(int, int, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent by the authenticating user.
void getSentDirectMessagesAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent by the authenticating user.
void getSentDirectMessagesAsync(Date, TwitterListener) Returns a list of the direct messages sent by the authenticating user.
void getTrendsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the top ten topics that are currently trending on Twitter.
void getUserDetailAsync(String, TwitterListener) Retrieves extended information of a given user, specified by ID or screen name as per the required id parameter below.
void getUserTimelineAsync(String, int, Date, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getUserTimelineAsync(String, Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getUserTimelineAsync(int, Date, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getUserTimelineAsync(String, int, long, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getUserTimelineAsync(String, int, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getUserTimelineAsync(String, Date, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getUserTimelineAsync(Paging, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getUserTimelineAsync(int, long, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getUserTimelineAsync(String, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getUserTimelineAsync(String, long, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the specified user id.
void getUserTimelineAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getUserTimelineAsync(long, TwitterListener) Returns the most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user.
void getWeeklyTrendsAsync(Date, boolean, TwitterListener) Returns the top 30 trending topics for each day in a given week.
void getWeeklyTrendsAsync(TwitterListener) Returns the top 30 trending topics for each day in a given week.
void leaveAsync(String) Disables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
void leaveAsync(String, TwitterListener) Disables notifications for updates from the specified user to the authenticating user.
void rateLimitStatusAsync(TwitterListener) Gets the remaining number of API requests available to the requesting user before the API limit is reached for the current hour.
void retweetStatusAsync(long) Retweets a tweet.
void retweetStatusAsync(long, TwitterListener) Retweets a tweet.
void searchAcync(Query, TwitterListener) Returns tweets that match a specified query.
void sendDirectMessageAsync(String, String) Sends a new direct message to the specified user from the authenticating user.
void sendDirectMessageAsync(String, String, TwitterListener) Sends a new direct message to the specified user from the authenticating user.
void showAsync(int, TwitterListener) Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter.
void showAsync(long, TwitterListener) Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter.
void showStatusAsync(long, TwitterListener) Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter.
void showUserAsync(String, TwitterListener) Retrieves extended information of a given user, specified by ID or screen name as per the required id parameter below.
void testAsync() Returns the string "ok" in the requested format with a 200 OK HTTP status code.
void unblockAsync(String) Un-blocks the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
void updateAsync(String) Updates the user's status asynchronously
This method calls
void updateAsync(String, long) Updates the user's status asynchronously
This method calls
void updateAsync(String, long, TwitterListener) Updates the user's status asynchronously
This method calls
void updateAsync(String, TwitterListener) Updates the user's status asynchronously
This method calls
void updateDeliverlyDeviceAsync(Device, TwitterListener) Sets which device Twitter delivers updates to for the authenticating user.
void updateLocationAsync(String, TwitterListener) Updates the location
void updateProfileAsync(String, String, String, String, String) Sets values that users are able to set under the "Account" tab of their settings page.
void updateProfileAsync(String, String, String, String, String, TwitterListener) Sets values that users are able to set under the "Account" tab of their settings page.
void updateProfileColorsAsync(String, String, String, String, String) Sets one or more hex values that control the color scheme of the authenticating user's profile page on
void updateProfileColorsAsync(String, String, String, String, String, TwitterListener) Sets one or more hex values that control the color scheme of the authenticating user's profile page on
void updateStatusAsync(String) Updates the user's status asynchronously
This method calls
void updateStatusAsync(String, long) Updates the user's status asynchronously
This method calls
void updateStatusAsync(String, long, TwitterListener) Updates the user's status asynchronously
This method calls
void updateStatusAsync(String, TwitterListener) Updates the user's status asynchronously
This method calls

Added Methods
void createBlockAsync(int) {@inheritDoc}
void createFriendship(int) {@inheritDoc}
void createFriendship(int, boolean) {@inheritDoc}
void createFriendship(String) {@inheritDoc}
void createFriendship(String, boolean) {@inheritDoc}
void destroyBlock(int) {@inheritDoc}
void destroyBlock(String) {@inheritDoc}
void destroyFriendship(int) {@inheritDoc}
void destroyFriendship(String) {@inheritDoc}
void disableNotification(int) {@inheritDoc}
void disableNotification(String) {@inheritDoc}
void enableNotification(int) {@inheritDoc}
void enableNotification(String) {@inheritDoc}
void existsBlock(int) {@inheritDoc}
void existsBlock(String) {@inheritDoc}
void getBlockingUsers() {@inheritDoc}
void getBlockingUsers(int) {@inheritDoc}
void getCurrentTrends() {@inheritDoc}
void getCurrentTrends(boolean) {@inheritDoc}
void getDailyTrends() {@inheritDoc}
void getDailyTrends(Date, boolean) {@inheritDoc}
void getDirectMessages() {@inheritDoc}
void getDirectMessages(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getFavorites() {@inheritDoc}
void getFavorites(int) {@inheritDoc}
void getFavorites(String) {@inheritDoc}
void getFavorites(String, int) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersIDs() {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersIDs(int) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersIDs(int, long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersIDs(String) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersIDs(String, long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersIDs(long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersStatuses() {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersStatuses(int) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersStatuses(int, long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersStatuses(String) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersStatuses(String, long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFollowersStatuses(long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsIDs() {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsIDs(int) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsIDs(int, long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsIDs(String) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsIDs(String, long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsIDs(long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsStatuses() {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsStatuses(int) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsStatuses(int, long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsStatuses(String) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsStatuses(String, long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsStatuses(long) {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsTimeline() {@inheritDoc}
void getFriendsTimeline(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getHomeTimeline() {@inheritDoc}
void getHomeTimeline(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getMentions() {@inheritDoc}
void getMentions(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
AccessToken getOAuthAccessToken()  
AccessToken getOAuthAccessToken(String)  
AccessToken getOAuthAccessToken(String, String)  
AccessToken getOAuthAccessToken(String, String, String)  
AccessToken getOAuthAccessToken(RequestToken)  
AccessToken getOAuthAccessToken(RequestToken, String)  
RequestToken getOAuthRequestToken()  
RequestToken getOAuthRequestToken(String)  
void getPublicTimeline() {@inheritDoc}
void getRateLimitStatus() {@inheritDoc}
void getRetweetedByMe() {@inheritDoc}
void getRetweetedByMe(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getRetweetedToMe() {@inheritDoc}
void getRetweetedToMe(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getRetweetsOfMe() {@inheritDoc}
void getRetweetsOfMe(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getSentDirectMessages() {@inheritDoc}
void getSentDirectMessages(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getUserTimeline() {@inheritDoc}
void getUserTimeline(int) {@inheritDoc}
void getUserTimeline(int, Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getUserTimeline(String) {@inheritDoc}
void getUserTimeline(String, Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getUserTimeline(Paging) {@inheritDoc}
void getWeeklyTrends() {@inheritDoc}
void getWeeklyTrends(Date, boolean) {@inheritDoc}
void reportSpam(int) {@inheritDoc}
void reportSpam(String) {@inheritDoc}
void searchUsers(String, int) {@inheritDoc}
void sendDirectMessage(int, String) {@inheritDoc}
void sendDirectMessage(String, String) {@inheritDoc}
void setOAuthAccessToken(String, String)  
void setOAuthAccessToken(AccessToken)  
void showFriendship(int, int) {@inheritDoc}
void showFriendship(String, String) {@inheritDoc}
void showUser(int) {@inheritDoc}
void showUser(String) {@inheritDoc}
void updateDeliveryDevice(Device) {@inheritDoc}
void updateProfileBackgroundImage(File, boolean) {@inheritDoc}
void updateProfileImage(File) {@inheritDoc}
void updateStatus(String) {@inheritDoc}
void updateStatus(String, long) {@inheritDoc}
void updateStatus(String, long, GeoLocation) {@inheritDoc}
void updateStatus(String, GeoLocation) {@inheritDoc}

Changed Methods
void createBlock(String) Change in return type from User to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void createFavorite(long) Change in return type from Status to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void destroyDirectMessage(int) Change in return type from DirectMessage to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void destroyFavorite(long) Change in return type from Status to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void destroyStatus(long) Change in return type from Status to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void existsFriendship(String, String) Change in return type from boolean to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void getBlockingUsersIDs() Change in return type from IDs to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void getRetweets(long) Change in return type from List<RetweetDetails> to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void getTrends() Change in return type from Trends to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void retweetStatus(long) Change in return type from Status to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void search(Query) Change in return type from QueryResult to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void setOAuthConsumer(String, String) Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.  
void showStatus(long) Change in return type from Status to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void test() Change in return type from boolean to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void updateProfile(String, String, String, String, String) Change in return type from User to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.
void updateProfileColors(String, String, String, String, String) Change in return type from User to void.
Change in exceptions thrown from twitter4j.TwitterException to no exceptions.
Method was inherited from Twitter, but is now defined locally.

Removed Fields
int BLOCK @deprecated Use CREATED_BLOCK instead.
int CREATE  
int DESTORY @deprecated Use DESTROY_FRIENDSHIP instead.
int DESTROY @deprecated Use DESTROY_FRIENDSHIP instead.
int EXISTS @deprecated Use EXISTS_FRIENDSHIP instead.
int FOLLOW @deprecated Use ENABLE_NOTIFICATION instead.
int GET_DOWNTIME_SCHEDULE @deprecated not supported by Twitter API anymore
int LEAVE @deprecated Use DISABLE_NOTIFICATION instead.
int REPLIES @deprecated Use DESTROY_FRIENDSHIP instead.
int SEARCH  
int SHOW @deprecated Use SHOW_STATUS instead.
int TEST  
int TRENDS  
int UNBLOCK @deprecated Use DESTROYED_BLOCK instead.
int UPDATE @deprecated Use UPDATE_STATUS instead.
int UPDATE_LOCATION @deprecated Use UPDATE_PROFILE instead.