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Interface twitter4j.api.ListsResources

Removed Methods
UserList addUserListMember(int, long) @deprecated use .createUserListMember(int, long)} instead
UserList addUserListMember(long, String, long) @deprecated use .createUserListMember(long, String, long) instead
UserList addUserListMembers(int, String[]) @deprecated use .createUserListMembers(int, String[]) instead
UserList addUserListMembers(int, long[]) @deprecated use .createUserListMembers(int, long[]) instead
UserList addUserListMembers(long, String, String[]) @deprecated use .createUserListMembers(int, String[]) instead
UserList addUserListMembers(long, String, long[]) @deprecated use .createUserListMembers(int, long[]) instead
UserList createUserListMembers(int, String[]) Adds multiple members to a list, by specifying a comma-separated list of member ids or screen names.
UserList createUserListMembers(int, long[]) Adds multiple members to a list, by specifying a comma-separated list of member ids or screen names.
UserList deleteUserListMember(int, long) @deprecated use .destroyUserList(int) instead
UserList deleteUserListMember(long, String, long) @deprecated use .destroyUserListMember(long, String, long) List(int)} instead
UserList destroyUserListMember(int, String) Removes the specified members from the list.
UserList destroyUserListMember(int, long) Removes the specified member from the list.
UserList destroyUserListMembers(int, String[]) Removes the specified members from the list.
UserList destroyUserListMembers(int, long[]) Removes the specified members from the list.
UserList destroyUserListMembers(String, String, long[]) Removes the specified members from the list.

Added Methods
UserList createUserListMembers(long, String[]) Adds multiple members to a list, by specifying a comma-separated list of member ids or screen names.
UserList createUserListMembers(long, long[]) Adds multiple members to a list, by specifying a comma-separated list of member ids or screen names.
UserList destroyUserListMember(long, String) Removes the specified members from the list.
UserList destroyUserListMember(long, long) Removes the specified member from the list.
UserList destroyUserListMembers(long, String[]) Removes the specified members from the list.
UserList destroyUserListMembers(long, long[]) Removes the specified members from the list.

Changed Methods
UserList createUserListMember(long, long) Change in signature from (int, long) to (long, long).
Adds a member to a list.
UserList createUserListSubscription(long) Change in signature from int to long.
Make the authenticated user follow the specified list.
UserList destroyUserList(long) Change in signature from int to long.
Deletes the specified list.
UserList destroyUserListSubscription(long) Change in signature from int to long.
Unsubscribes the authenticated user form the specified list.
PagableResponseList<User> getUserListMembers(long, long) Change in signature from (int, long) to (long, long).
Returns the members of the specified list.
ResponseList<Status> getUserListStatuses(long, Paging) Change in signature from (int, Paging) to (long, Paging).
Show tweet timeline for members of the specified list.
PagableResponseList<User> getUserListSubscribers(long, long) Change in signature from (int, long) to (long, long).
Returns the subscribers of the specified list.
UserList showUserList(long) Change in signature from int to long.
Show the specified list.
User showUserListMembership(long, long) Change in signature from (int, long) to (long, long).
Check if a user is a member of the specified list.

This method calls
User showUserListSubscription(long, long) Change in signature from (int, long) to (long, long).
Check if the specified user is a subscriber of the specified list.
UserList updateUserList(long, String, boolean, String) Change in signature from (int, String, boolean, String) to (long, String, boolean, String).
Updates the specified list.