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Package twitter4j

Changed Classes and Interfaces
AsyncTwitter Twitter API with a series of asynchronous APIs.
With this class, you can call TwitterAPI asynchronously.
Note that currently this class is NOT compatible with Google App Engine as it is maintaining threads internally.
Currently this class is not carefully designed to be extended.
AsyncTwitterFactory A factory class for AsyncTwitter.
An instance of this class is completely thread safe and can be re-used and used concurrently.
Note that currently AsyncTwitter is NOT compatible with Google App Engine as it is maintaining threads internally.
SiteStreamsAdapter @author Yusuke Yamamoto - yusuke at
SiteStreamsListener @author Yusuke Yamamoto - yusuke at
Twitter A java representation of the Twitter API
This class is thread safe and can be cached/re-used and used concurrently.
Currently this class is not carefully designed to be extended.
TwitterFactory A factory class for Twitter.
TwitterStream A java representation of the Streaming API: Methods
Note that this class is NOT compatible with Google App Engine as GAE is not capable of handling requests longer than 30 seconds.
TwitterStreamFactory A factory class for TwitterFactory.
An instance of this class is completely thread safe and can be re-used and used concurrently.
Note that TwitterStream is NOT compatible with Google App Engine as GAE is not capable of handling requests longer than 30 seconds.
UserStreamAdapter @author R##my Rakic at
UserStreamListener @author R##my Rakic at